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How to Make Dumplings?-ZOL问答

How to Make Dumplings? Many Chinese people like dumplings. But how to make them?

First, make the filling. The most common filling is made with ground pork, cabbage, and seasonings. You can also add other ingredients like shrimp, beef, or vegetables, depending on your preference. Make sure to finely chop all the ingredients to ensure a well-mixed filling.

Next, make the dough. Mix the flour with water in a large bowl. Knead the dough until it becomes smooth and not sticky. Let the dough rest for a while to make it easier to handle.

After that, roll out the dough. Divide the dough into small pieces and roll each piece into a thin circle. Dust the working surface and the rolling pin with flour to prevent sticking.

Then, wrap the filling. Place a spoonful of filling in the center of each dough circle. Fold the dough in half and pinch the edges to seal the dumpling. You can also make different shapes of dumplings by twisting or pleating the edges.

Finally, cook the dumplings. Bring a pot of water to a boil and carefully add the dumplings. Stir gently to prevent sticking. When the dumplings float to the surface, they are cooked and ready to be served.

Enjoy your homemade dumplings!



The Chinese custom during the Spring Festival is to eat Tang-yuan and Jiao-zi. Tang-yuan are sweet glutinous rice balls filled with various ingredients, such as red bean paste or sesame paste. Jiao-zi are savory dumplings made with a filling of ground meat and vegetables.

These traditional dishes are not only delicious but also carry symbolic meanings. Tang-yuan symbolizes family reunion and harmony, as its round shape represents completeness. Jiao-zi, on the other hand, resemble ancient Chinese gold and silver ingots, symbolizing wealth and good fortune for the coming year.

So, during the Spring Festival, don\'t forget to enjoy these festive delicacies with your family and friends!

如何做饺子——用英语描述 - 186****3550 的回答 - 懂得








饺子的英文是dumpling,音标为英 [ˈdʌmplɪŋ]、美 [ˈdəmplɪŋ]。饺子是一种传统的中国食物,通常由面粉和馅料制成。它的外形可爱,味道美味。人们常常在重要的节日和聚会上享用饺子,以庆祝团圆和友谊。


包饺子的英文翻译是make dumplings [meɪk ˈdʌmplɪŋz]。包饺子是中国的传统技艺,人们常常在春节和其他重要的节日及庆祝活动中包饺子。包饺子不仅是享用美食的机会,也体现了团聚和祝福的意义。所以,让我们一起动手包出美味的饺子,和家人和朋友共度一个温馨而快乐的时刻吧!


Make Dumplings-饺子

Make Dumplings Dumpling is a traditional Chinese food. On the lunar New Year\'s Eve, families gather together to make dumplings as a way to celebrate the coming year.

First, prepare the dough by mixing flour and water together. Knead the dough until it becomes smooth and elastic. Let the dough rest for a while to allow it to relax.

Next, make the filling. The most common filling for dumplings is made with ground pork, cabbage, and seasonings. However, you can customize the filling by adding other ingredients like shrimp, beef, or vegetables.

After that, roll out the dough into thin circles. Dust the working surface and the rolling pin with flour to prevent sticking. Place a spoonful of filling in the center of each dough circle.

Then, fold the dough in half and pinch the edges to seal the dumpling. You can also make different shapes of dumplings by twisting or pleating the edges.

Finally, cook the dumplings by boiling them in water. When the dumplings float to the surface, they are cooked and ready to be served.

Making dumplings is not only a culinary activity but also a way to bring family and friends closer together. So, gather everyone around and enjoy the process of making and eating delicious dumplings!


First, mix appropriate amount of flour and water together into dough. Second, cut the dough into small pieces and roll each piece into a thin circle. Third, prepare the filling with ground pork, cabbage, and seasonings. Fourth, place a spoonful of filling in the center of each dough circle and fold the dough in half, pinching the edges to seal the dumpling. Finally, cook the dumplings by boiling them in water until they float to the surface.

Dumplings are not only a delicious Chinese dish but also carry cultural significance. They are often eaten during the Spring Festival as a symbol of family reunion and good luck for the coming year. The process of making dumplings is a fun and interactive activity that brings people together. So, gather your loved ones and enjoy the joy of making and sharing dumplings together!

关于春节风俗,要用英语写出来啊,急急急!!快! - 魔法少女小月的回答 - 懂得


Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important traditional festival in China. It is a time for family reunions, feasts, and various customs and traditions. Here are some of the customs during the Spring Festival:

1. Red decorations: Red is the auspicious color in Chinese culture. People decorate their homes with red lanterns, couplets, and paper cuttings to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits.

2. Reunion dinner: On the eve of the Spring Festival, families gather together to have a lavish dinner. It is a time for family members to celebrate the past year and look forward to the future.

3. Fireworks and firecrackers: Lighting fireworks and setting off firecrackers are popular activities during the Spring Festival. The loud noises and bright lights are believed to scare away evil spirits and bring in good luck for the coming year.

4. Giving red envelopes: Red envelopes, known as \"hongbao,\" are gifts of money given by adults to children and unmarried individuals. It is a symbol of good luck and blessings.

5. Lion and dragon dances: Lion and dragon dances are performed to bring good luck and prosperity. It is a festive and lively activity that is believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune.

These customs and traditions are deeply rooted in Chinese culture and reflect the values of family, harmony, and good fortune. Spring Festival is a time to celebrate and cherish these traditions, and to welcome a new year filled with happiness and prosperity.


Here is an introduction to the process of the Spring Festival in English:

The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important traditional festival in China. It is a time for family reunions and celebrations. Here is a brief overview of the process:

1. Lunar month: The Spring Festival is based on the lunar calendar and falls on the first day of the lunar year. People begin to prepare for the festival days or even weeks in advance.

2. Home returnee: Many people travel back to their hometowns to celebrate the Spring Festival with their families. It is a time for family members to be together and enjoy the festivities.

3. Spring cleaning: Before the Spring Festival, people thoroughly clean their homes to sweep away bad luck and make room for good fortune to come.

4. Reunion dinner: On the eve of the Spring Festival, families gather together to have a reunion dinner. It is a time to enjoy delicious food and celebrate the end of the old year and the beginning of the new year.

5. Fireworks and firecrackers: At midnight on New Year\'s Eve, people set off fireworks and firecrackers to welcome the new year. The loud noises and bright lights are believed to scare away evil spirits and bring good luck.

6. Visiting relatives and friends: During the Spring Festival, people visit their relatives and friends to exchange greetings and good wishes. It is a time to strengthen relationships and show respect to elders.

7. Red envelopes: Adults give red envelopes filled with money to children and unmarried individuals as a symbol of good luck and blessings.

8. Traditional activities: The Spring Festival is also a time for traditional activities, such as lion and dragon dances, lantern festivals, and temple fairs. These activities bring joy and excitement to the festival.

9. Lantern festival: The Spring Festival ends with the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the lunar year. People light lanterns and enjoy various performances and displays.

These are just a few highlights of the process of the Spring Festival. It is a time filled with joy, traditions, and blessings. The Spring Festival is not only a cultural event, but also a time for reflection, gratitude, and hope for a better future.


How to Make Dumplings

Many families in China usually prepare enough jiaozi to last several days