> 文章列表 > 春节民俗介绍英文翻译





首先,一个重要的习俗是“年夜饭”,即一家人团聚在一起共进晚餐。这顿晚餐象征着家庭的团聚和幸福,是一年中最重要的一餐。人们会准备各种美食,如饺子、年糕和鱼等。饺子的形状像元宝,有寓意财源滚滚。年糕则象征着一年有 “年年高升”的意思。鱼在中国文化中与“余”音谐音,寓意年年有余。





Chinese New Year Customs

The celebration activities of Chinese New Year, which start on the first day of the lunar calendar, are colorful and diverse. The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in China, and people are busy preparing for the coming year. Here is a brief introduction to some of the Chinese New Year customs.

Firstly, an important custom is the \"Reunion Dinner\", where families gather together to have a big feast. This dinner symbolizes family reunion and happiness, and it is the most important meal of the year. People prepare various delicious dishes such as dumplings, rice cakes, and fish. Dumplings are shaped like ancient Chinese currency, symbolizing wealth and prosperity. Rice cakes represent \"rising every year\" in Chinese culture. Fish, whose pronunciation sounds like \"surplus\" in Chinese, symbolizes abundance every year.

Secondly, setting off firecrackers is a tradition during Chinese New Year. It is done to ward off evil spirits and bad luck, as well as to welcome good luck and prosperity in the new year. The sound of firecrackers scares away evil spirits and removes misfortune. Moreover, the beauty of fireworks represents celebration and joy for the Spring Festival.

In addition, people hang red lanterns and paste Spring Festival couplets. Red lanterns symbolize happiness and peace. They are hung in front of doors or on the streets to pray for good luck and ward off evil spirits. Spring Festival couplets, on the other hand, are expressions of blessings and good wishes. They are often pasted on doors or walls. Creative and humorous Spring Festival couplets can bring joy and laughter to people.

On New Year\'s Eve, people also enjoy lion and dragon dance performances. Lion dance symbolizes dispelling evil and protecting homes. People sing and dance for the lion during the performance. The dancing lions often bring joy and entertainment to people. Dragon dance, on the other hand, symbolizes the hope for good weather and a bountiful harvest. People gather to watch this spectacular performance.

In conclusion, Chinese New Year customs are diverse and full of joy and ceremonial significance. These customs not only represent the Chinese people\'s blessings for the future but also convey the cultural connotations of reunion, happiness, and good fortune. It is because of these unique customs that the Spring Festival has become an anticipated and joyful holiday.